The Sower And Other Paintings @ Pina, Vienna, December 14, 2019 — January 21, 2020
Din jest popularnym wyborem na witrynach biznesowych i tech. To także dobra czcionka do tworzenia tytułów stron.
Once I went to a mall, far away from my house, in a different district. It was first or maybe
second time I was there. I was doing some late shopping. 30 minutes before the closing, I
heard a voice saying: We are closing in 30 minutes. Please head to the checkouts. We are
open from Monday to Saturday 8am to 10pm, and the lights got slightly darker. At first, I
thought it was happening only in my brain because it was a very subtle impression. But then,
10 minutes later, the voice said again: We are closing in 20 minutes. Please head to the
checkouts. We are open from Monday to Saturday 8am to 10pm, and they dimmed the lights
once more. When there were 15 minutes left before the closing, it got really dark. The
darkness wasn’t total but shopping and navigating between the aisles had become very
challenging. I felt a little uncomfortable, as if the mall itself was asking me to leave, but after
few minutes the darkness started to feel surprisingly welcoming and safe. My eyes quickly got
used to it. As I saw the light coming from the cash desks, along with the silhouettes of the last
few customers paying for their groceries, I decided to go in the opposite direction. Deeper into
the darkness of the mall, towards new adventures, dreams, and dawns.
*During the show there was used lighting with dimming and brightening up effect*